Wednesday, 16 January 2013

How to Make Your Plan for Next Year a Reality

If you’ve started to follow through on Lesson 3, creating your strategic Profit Plan and Money Map, you may be starting to feel real excitement about what’s possible. When you struggle, then you actually create a detailed plan that seems a stretch but do-able, you start to see that something big can happen.
However there is a huge step you need to take to make it real. You have to take action each and every day Looking at your plan and actually implementing it means a huge shift and leap of faith. Many people feel some fear at this point. What if I’m wrong? What if this fails?  This is normal! Every one of us goes through this at some point. I’ve been through it a number of times.

So let’s talk about the three areas you need to work on to make your plan real.

Mindset Shift 

In order to step out and take action on your plan you will need 4 things:
  1. courage
  2. fierce determination to keep moving forward and not give up or stall
  3. passion
  4. willingness to accept that not everything you planned may work, but that something will work
I want you to get out a Post-it and write this on it:
“I am 100% responsible for the results I get. I can choose fear or I can choose success. Which future reality am I creating by TODAY’S actions?”
Tape this to your computer. It’s immensely powerful!

Promotional Plan
Now that you have a plan you need leads and clients. Set up a Promotional Calendar for the first 4 months of the year.  I use Google Calendar and share it with my team. I actually suggest having two calendars

 1.Your Marketing Calendar – here is where you schedule promotional events and product launches, such as preview tele-classes or webinars that introduce a product, program or service, joint ventures where you promote others or they offer your tele-class or webinar, program start dates (if it’s a fixed date). Look at the dates you’ve entered and if you plan to introduce a product via a tele-class or webinar, backtrack 2 months and put in your calendar that you need to recruit joint venture partners, prepare your promotional materials (like e-mail and social media status updates and tweets), and affiliate promo materials. In Google Calendar you can color code these.

 2. Your E-mail/Social Media Calendar – Put in the subject of each email you’ll send to your list and the social media and blog posts you post each week. These should tie in with whatever you’re promoting from your Marketing Calendar. This way you are strategic about the messages you send. This is crucial.

 3. Make a list of potential Joint Venture or Referral partners. Decide what commissions or fees you will pay on sales they generate on each product or service you plan to promote. Start to connect with them and set up phone calls or live meetings to discuss a possible partnership.
    Here is a RARE INSIDE SNEAK PEAK at my planned Marketing Calendar and E-mail/Social Media calendar for next February.  The blue is the Marketing Calendar, the red is the E-mail Calendar and the green are several planned events that I need to attend.

    Then all you need to do is go to your Calendar and do what it says to do. This will help you use your time more efficiently and will dramatically accelerate the results you get. Taking focused action each day will make you feel like you’re really moving forward, because you will be!

    Get Support to Grow Fast
    Finally, getting help and support is crucial.  That means using outsourced help to do the things that are time-consuming but not worth your time as the CEO of your company, as well as rote tasks that are outside your skill set.

    Work with a coach or mastermind group to help you brainstorm, plan and identify how to really soar and to keep you accountable and motivated. Every successful entrepreneur I know does this because you cannot succeed by being a lone wolf. You need feedback and brainstorming to go beyond your current boundaries and get help seeing what you don’t see from the inside.
    Are you reading these lessons or following through on the suggested actions? Because if you do, the coming year will be your best year yet!


    I have a 2 openings remaining in my private coaching and mentoring program, Step Up & Soar. I’m looking to help a few people who are motivated to take their current business to a whole new level of income and they also want to work and stress less. If you are ready for high level guidance creating and implementing the strategies and systems that will bring your Profit Plan to life, let’s set up a time to talk.  We’ll dig deep and see what needs to be done now to get you to your dream business.

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