Friday, 31 May 2013

6 Simple Steps to Becoming a Successful, In-Demand and Financially Confident Expert

People often ask me about my journey to becoming a successful coach and entrepreneur generating a generous six figures per year. Did I just instinctively know what to do? Did I make the same mistakes they’ve made?

The answers are that sometimes I knew what to do either from experience or from listening to my inner voice or intuition, and yet, I still made so many mistakes I’ve lost count. But I learned from them and used them as a catalyst to do better and develop a better system that consistently gets great results.

If you are a coach, consultant or expert of any kind you may be struggling to get to the level of success you want. In fact, what stops most knowledge based business owners from getting there is that they are stuck in a dead-end business model with too few low paying clients and no idea how to change that. The result is-

  • Charging too little
  • Focusing on selling low priced or “one-off” products
  • Over delivering
  • Not enough subscribers or leads
  • The wrong kind of clients
  • Bright shiny object syndrome- going after the next new idea
  • No financial freedom plan or business building strategy

If that has been your experience then it’s time to change what you’ve been doing.  The fastest path to creating a fun, passion based, lucrative business is to follow these 6 simple steps

  1. Define WHY you are doing what you do. Of course you want to make more money, but why? Do you want a better house, more free time, more travel, to volunteer more, or to retire in comfort? Is your desire to impact and even transform the lives of your clients? You need to know because they WHY is what motivates and drives you.
  2. Discover and commit to making the mental shift you’ll need to get there. Do you believe you could charge what you’re really worth and get it? Do you believe people will really say yes to your products or programs? Do you believe you could actually create financial freedom? If not, you have some work to do.
  3. Figure out the Biggest, most in demand Results you can get your clients—the ones that will solve an urgent and frustrating problem. Then create the marketing language that communicates that result in way that makes people sit up, take notice and take action.
  4. Create a premium package– a Big Results Offer– that commands a premium price and that delivers premium results as quickly as possible. Then start offering it right away.
  5. Create a semi-automated marketing funnel that drives highly qualified leads to you every month. These are people that will eagerly see the value you offer and say yes to enrolling in your premium program. High value webinars, joint ventures and speaking are a great place to start.
  6. Rinse and repeat each month
This simple formula can regularly generate five-figures a month in just 25 hours a week. Implementing it can bust through the income ceiling many knowledgeable experts experience.

For more information please visit

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